17 February 2008

current obsessions

  • lindsay buckingham - 'go insane.' heard it on the radio last week for about five seconds and had to get it. i'm sure i've heard it at some other point in my life, cuz it sounded vaaaaguely familiar. the chorus is so fuckin' catchy i think i've got an infection.

  • little debbie nutty bars. i had a dream about these things a few weeks ago.. i was eating a chocolate/wafer/peanut butter bar but i didn't know what it was. one of those itchings in the back of your brain, y'know? well, i went to the store today and locked eyes with the object of my obsession. didn't get any after seeing the unholy amounts of fat in them, but it's good to know what they are!

  • caffeine. i think i'm back on the horse again.. and just when kim quits starbucks. thanks for nothing.

  • games in general. i haven't gamed this much in a long time.. PC, wii, emulator, and oh yeah.. i got the DS. squee!

note: obsessions subject to change at any time. if you do not agree with current obsessions, please wait half an hour.

05 February 2008

consume, consume, CONSUUUUUME!!

i sure hope the senate passes that there economic stimulus package, cuz i gots me somethin' to buy:


and of course, once that's in my grubby little mitts, it's only natural to wanna do this:

